2023 FILMS
2022 FILMS

Explore the films produced by the Fellows for this year's Deutsche Bank Frieze Los Angeles Film Award 

Winner of the Audience Award 2022. After adopting Los Angeles as her new home, a young Egyptian woman struggles with maintaining the facade of the lifestyles her conservative father dictates versus the ones she desires to explore

11 JAN 22

On a journey of self-exploration to find himself in Los Angeles, a young man goes around visiting cornerstones of the Black community: the barbershop, the farmers market, Leimert Park. Underneath we hear a poem about how this world has shaped his internal identity.

12 JAN 22
2021 FILMS

Winner of the Audience Award 2021. In Los Angeles Chinatown, a lonely teenager tries to help her parents keep their seafood restaurant afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. Between chopping green beans and packing takeout orders, she attempts to hang on to a semblance of normalcy by studying for her driver’s permit and prepping for her high school Zoom theater debut in “The Tempest”.

06 MAY 21

Lesley, a young woman who feels that her life is spiralling out of control, goes to visit a self proclaimed mystic with the hopes of getting answers, and a "quick-fix" solution to her problems. Instead, she is encouraged to visit the ocean which prompts an internal journal where she learns that she held the answers to everything all along.

06 MAY 21

After moving to LA, an ambitious film-maker encounters considerable success with her career. However, these successes force her to grapple with the memories of his passing through the powerful, cleansing forces of water.

06 MAY 21
DB Frieze LA Film Award 2020