Mike Pepi

Mike Pepi is a New York-based writer on art, culture, and technology. Find him at @mikepepi

Despite a banner year for AI art with the release of DALL-E 2 and MidJourney, the fruitlessness of its endeavour has become plain

BY Mike Pepi | 31 DEC 22

From @jerrygogosian to @bradtroemel, memes have become a primary method of institutional critique

BY Mike Pepi | 29 APR 20

From Palantir to Microsoft to Google, the new resistance arises from labour itself

BY Mike Pepi | 28 OCT 19

In ‘New Order: Art and Technology in the Twenty-First Century’ at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the definition of ‘technology’ is intentionally loose

BY Mike Pepi | 23 MAY 19

If artificial intelligence were ever to achieve sentience, could it feasibly produce art? (And would it be good?)

BY Mike Pepi | 16 JUL 18