Olivian Cha

Olivian Cha is a curator and critic based in Los Angeles.

From Rodrigo Valenzuela to Eric-Paul Riege, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art’s curator will centre Black, Brown, Indigenous and queer narratives for this year’s Focus LA

BY Amanda Hunt AND Olivian Cha | 14 FEB 22

The artist’s stuttering videos, on view at Freedman Fitzpatrick, challenge conventional notions of artistic authorship and circulation

BY Olivian Cha | 18 OCT 19

Two parallel exhibitions in LA, at Blum & Poe and Nonaka-Hill gallery, show how Japanese artists of the 1980s and ‘90s confronted Postmodernism

BY Olivian Cha | 13 MAR 19

At Matthew Marks Gallery, LA, recreations of natural topographies display a singular relationship to time and observation

BY Olivian Cha | 19 MAR 18

With PST LA/LA taking over the city, highlights from the corresponding gallery programme

BY Olivian Cha | 18 SEP 17

Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, USA

BY Olivian Cha | 01 JUL 17

Rebar snakes, Pre-Raphaelite sci-fi and rotating hats: the picks of the recently opened shows in the city

BY Olivian Cha | 30 SEP 16

Hauser, Wirth & Schimmel, Los Angeles, USA

BY Olivian Cha | 21 MAY 16

Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, USA

BY Olivian Cha | 20 JAN 16

How Wikipedia skews the story of art

BY Olivian Cha | 17 DEC 14